Fortune 500 Twitter News Twitterholics

Microsoft’s Bill Gates Has Joined The Twitter Universe

Mr. Bill Gates @billgates is in the Twitter Building!!!  Social Media Guide @Mashable has reported that Twitter’s Caroline Mizumoto tweeted about Mr. Gates finally actively tweeting online. Word spread fast and Mr. Gates reached 100k followers in @oprah like speed. Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) is still at the top of the list at just over 4.3 million followers but Britney Spears (@britneyspears) is not that far behind him at 4.2+ followers. At the current pace of about 10k+ followers per hour Mr. Gates should reach the 1 million dollar club in a few days.  At this rate Mr. Gates will have more followers than his own @Microsoft_Xbox, @Microsoft, @Office_Live, @MicrosoftPress, @MSFTResearch, @Office and @SharePoint combined by lunch time on Wednesday, Jan 2oth.

So if you get the chance say hello to Mr. Gates. Who knows he might just follow you and donate millions of dollars to your cause…. NOT..;-) Welcome to the Twitterverse Mr. Gates. I look forward to following your updates.

All the best